I don’t know about you, but when the season changes, so do
my taste buds. (No, autocorrect, I don’t mean ‘taste butts’ thankyouverymuch.)
Lately, I’ve gone from sandwiches and apples to craving soup and baked beans.
(Hello, winter padding!) Pretty soon, no doubt, I’ll be jonesing for melted
cheese and hot chocolate (not necessarily together).
Anyway, the other evening, as Arizona and I rubbed elbows in
our cozy kitchen, putting together our dinner, he pulled out a can of
chili-flavored baked beans. The scene went like this:
Me: (Giving it a dubious look, much as I had done when he
put said can in our cart at the grocery store.) Chili baked beans?
Arizona: Why not?
Me: (Thinking: Because
I'm grilling shrimp? Followed by, Oh,
what the heck. Nobody’s grading us on the four food groups.) Rock on.
Later, when we dig in:
Me: You can have my beans.
Arizona: Not digging the chili flavor?
Me: (Thinking of a Chopped basket gone wrong.) Not so much. No worries, I’ll grab a salad or something.
Me: (Thinking of a Chopped basket gone wrong.) Not so much. No worries, I’ll grab a salad or something.
Arizona: (Bites in. Grimaces.) Urk. Not my favorite, either.
Me: Want to toss it and I’ll fire up a can of the normal
Arizona: (Hesitates with another bite in front of his face.
Blinks. Lowers his spoon.) Actually, yeah.
Me: (Laughing.) Feels wrong, doesn’t it? Let’s be naughty.
Kind of like the ‘don’t run with scissors’ mantra, I figure
the ‘don’t waste food’ chorus is ingrained in many of us from a young age. But
just as I reserve the right to run with scissors now and then (granted,
thinking to myself as I do, ‘You’d better not fall and stab yourself, or you’re
going to get an I-told-you-so from Mom’), I figure we work hard. We can waste a
can of food now and then. Especially when it’s chili-flavored baked beans.
So what about you? Had any culinary missteps lately? Got any
illicit pleasures (PG-rated, please! LOL) that come with being not-a-kid?